• Faculty
  • Amanda Draheim
  • Amanda Draheim


    Amanda Draheim is 助理教授 of Psychology at Goucher College in Baltimore, MD. She completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at Georgia State University in 2021. As part of her doctoral training, she completed a clinical internship at the Medical College of Georgia/Charlie Norwood Veterans Affairs Medical Center Consortium 专攻女性心理学. 在他们到达云顶集团之前 2023, she was an assistant professor at Lawrence University (2021 – 2023). At Goucher College, she teaches courses in clinical psychology, health psychology, and mentors a research team. Her research primarily focuses on cognitive mechanisms (such as outcome probability bias) that contribute to the development and maintenance of internalizing disorders (including anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder). She also conducts research focused on addressing health disparities experienced by members LGBTQ+社区. Her clinical interests include treatment of adults with internalizing disorders using cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness-based, and feminist interventions.



    Amanda’s program of research focuses on testing cognitive-behavioral theories of mood, stress, and anxiety disorders and identifying mechanisms of treatment. 为了她的论文, they developed a computer task designed to measure outcome probability bias in social anxiety. Outcome probability bias may be defined as a person’s tendency to overestimate 消极结果的可能性. 例如,患有社交焦虑症的人 may estimate the likelihood of embarrassing themselves during a public speech to be 100%. Outcome probability bias is a cognitive habit that is theorized to contribute 对社交焦虑障碍的发展和维持. 到目前为止,这种偏见 只能通过自我报告问卷来衡量吗. 因此,的因果作用 结果概率偏差是未知的. 阿曼达开发了一个工具,可以实现多式联运 assessment and, potentially, future experimental manipulation of this construct. Initial research supporting the reliability and validity of this measure was published in 2022.

    Current projects include additional validation of Amanda’s novel measure of outcome 概率偏差和相关刺激. 此外,她将继续收集 data for a study evaluating the role of the availability heuristic in outcome probability 公开演讲偏见. 她还监督几个学生项目,包括 a review of Seeking Safety for women in incarceration with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder, a randomized controlled trial of a brief mindfulness intervention among college students, health needs among sexual identity 生活在美国南部的少数民族妇女.S.这是对性教育措施的验证 comprehensiveness, and evaluation of the role of a observer perspective in music performance anxiety.


    Theisen, J. Graham, Amanda A. 德拉海姆,安吉拉·达罗什,劳伦斯·C. Layman, and Lara M. Stepleman. 2024. 跨性别认同基因研究:态度,观点 & 成员之间的信仰 跨性别者和性别多元化群体. 国际跨性别健康杂志. doi: 10.1080/26895269.2023.2294825

    Agarwal, I. & Draheim, A.A. (2023). 在法医环境中寻求安全:系统回顾. 妇女心理健康档案. doi: 10.1007/s00737-023-01411-3

    Draheim, A.A., Kridel, M.M., Flinn, R.E., Ravoori, N., Brands, S., Mosley, C., Drescher, C., & Stepleman, L.M. 性和性别少数群体无家可归的危险因素 在美国东南部.S. 社会困境与无家可归杂志. doi: 10.1080/10530789.2023.2276590

    Draheim, A.A., Brands, S., Griffin, J., Kridel, M., Wallace, C., Stepleman, L. M., & Drescher, C. F. (2023). Suicidality and discriminatory experiences with healthcare providers in LGBT emerging adults. 同性恋社会服务杂志. doi: 10.1080/10538720.2023.2267485

    Ellis, D., Draheim, A.A., & Anderson, P.L. (2022). 适应文化的数字心理 health interventions for ethnic/racial minorities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 咨询与临床心理学杂志[j](10), 717–733. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000759

    Casanova, T., Yohannan, J., Wood, E., Griffin, J., Wallace, C., Brands, S., Draheim, A.A., & Stepleman, L. (2023). 填补了跨性别群体医疗保健的空白 萨凡纳河中部地区. 《云顶集团》,9(1), 1-7.

    Draheim, A.A. & Anderson, P.L. (2022). 一种评估结果概率的新型计算机任务 bias. 焦虑障碍杂志,87, 102538. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2022.102538

    Draheim, C.D., Pak, R., Draheim, A.A., & Engel, R. W. (2022). 注意的作用 控制复杂的现实世界任务. 心理计量学公告 & Review. doi: 10.3758/s13423-021-02052-2

    Griffin, J., Smith, E.D., Kridel, M., Draheim, A.A., & Stepleman, L.M. (2022). Validation of the Brief Sense of Community Scale in a lesbian, gay, and bisexual sample. 社区心理学杂志,50(1), 576-591. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22638

    Draheim, A. A., & Anderson, P. L. (2021). 认知行为疗法能治疗焦虑吗 障碍有助于对威胁的重新评估?:荟萃分析. 行为与认知治疗杂志,31(2), 125-135. doi: 10.1016/j.jbct.2020.12.004

    Dotson, V. M., McClintock, S. M., Verhaeghen, P., Kim, J. U., Draheim, A. A., Syzmkowicz, S. M., Gradone, A. M., Bogoian, H. R., & Wit, L. D. (2020). 抑郁症和认知能力 control across the lifespan: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 神经心理学评论,30(4), 461-476. doi: 10.1007/s11065-020-09436-6

    Draheim, A.A. & Anderson, P.L. (2019). 工作联盟不调解这种关系 between outcome expectancy and symptom improvement following cognitive behavioral 社交焦虑症的治疗. 认知行为治疗师,12: e41.  doi: 10.1017/S1754470X19000266

    Benbow, A.A. & Anderson, P.L. (2019). 人员流失的元分析研究 焦虑的虚拟现实暴露疗法. 焦虑障碍杂志,61, 18-26. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.06.006

    Fernandez-Alvarez J., Rozental, A., Carlbring, P., Colombo, D., Riva, G., Anderson, P. L., Baños, R. M., Benbow, A. A., Bouchard, S., Bretón López, J. M., Cárdenas, G., Difede, J., Emmelkamp, P.加西亚-帕拉西奥斯,A., Guillén, V., Hoffman, H., Kampmann, I., Moldovan, R., Mühlberger, A., North, M., Pauli, P., Peñate卡斯特罗,W., Quero, S.托尔特拉-费柳,M., Wyka, K., & Botella, C. (2019). 虚拟机的退化率 reality exposure therapy: An individual patient data level meta-analysis. 焦虑障碍杂志,61, 3-17. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.06.005

    Benbow, A.A. & Anderson, P.L. (2019). 在概率和成本方面的长期改进 biases following brief cognitive behavioral 社交焦虑症的治疗. 认知治疗与研究, 1-7. doi: 10.1007/s10608-018-9947-0

    Hertel, P., Holmes, M. & Benbow, A. (2014). 解释习惯是通过 认知偏见修正. Memory, 22 (7), 737-746. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2013.820326

    Hertel, P., Benbow, A., & Geraerts, E. (2012). 记忆中的沉思缺陷:专注 注意力提高后续回忆能力. 认知与情感,26 (8), 1516-1525.  doi: 10.1080/02699931.2012.668852

    Hertel, P., Vasquez, E., Benbow, A., & Hughes, M. (2011). 记忆力受损 通过修正解释偏差. 变态心理学杂志,2012 (4), 902910. doi: 10.1037/a0023974


    最佳文章奖, 2023 for "注意力控制在复杂现实世界任务中的作用" from 心理经济学公报与评论.

    Certificate of Excellence in College Teaching (Georgia State University)

    Richard Morrell Outstanding Graduate Student Award (Georgia State University)

    Georgia State University Clinical Psychology Program Research Day Keynote Speaker Award

    Shaun Duggins Peer Award for Outstanding Service (Georgia State University)

    Finalist in Georgia State University’s 3-Minute Thesis competition


    会议论文 & 小组参与

    Enobabor, J*., Rech, M.*, Draheim, A. A., & Anderson, P., (2023, April). The relation between immersion and situational anxiety in a virtual reality speech task. Poster presented at the Georgia Psychological Association Annual Conference Student Poster 会议,雅典,乔治亚州.

    李智*,林德利,A.*, Sofia, V.*, Rudoff, N.*, Williams, I.*, & Draheim, A.A. (October, 2022). Developing a study to evaluate cognitive processes in social anxiety. Poster presented at the annual Lawrence University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 研讨会,阿普尔顿,威斯康星州.

    Rudoff, N.*, & Draheim, A.A. (October, 2022). 观察者的视角有贡献吗 音乐表演焦虑的症状? 劳伦斯年度颁奖海报 University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 研讨会,阿普尔顿,威斯康星州.

    Draheim, A.A., Theisen, J., & Stepleman, L. (July, 2022). 对变性人的态度 identity genetic research among members of the transgender and gender nonbinary community. 海报于 annual meeting of the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.

    Lindley, A.*, Stepleman, L. M., & Draheim, A.A. (July, 2022). 性与心理健康 中萨凡纳河地区LGB女性的需求. 海报于 annual meeting of the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.

    Brown, M.* Draheim, A.A., & Anderson, P.L. (May, 2022). 比较结果概率 bias between people with and without social anxiety disorder using a novel computer-based task. 海报于 annual Brains and Behavior Retreat, Atlanta, GA.


    Invited Talks

    Draheim, A.A. (March, 2023). 注意控制可以提示心理困扰的风险. 在年度会议上的特邀演讲 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy 心理学,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州.

    Hammerdahl, E.*, Hilt, L., & Draheim, A.A. (March, 2023). 注意控制中介 正念和沉思之间的关系. 特邀演讲于 annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Louisville, KY.

    Nunez Herdoiza*, & Draheim, A.A. (March, 2023). 注意力控制可能会告诉我们结果如何 概率偏差导致社会恐惧. 在年度会议上的特邀演讲 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy 心理学,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州.



    Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology (contributed to founding the graduate 乔治亚州立大学分会)